Posts Tagged ‘quiz’

Only Connect for BBC Four

14 April, 2014


The new series of quiz show Only Connect starts tonight on BBC Four, with me in the question-editor seat.

Only Connect: A Quiz Show for BBC4

1 November, 2013

only connect

As of the next series, I will be the question editor for BBC Four’s million-viewer quiz Only Connect, which will incidentally move to BBC Two in 2014.

    The Will Gompertz Fringe at the ICA

    28 January, 2013

    ICA Gompertz Fringe

    Tickets are available for micro-festival The Will Gompertz Fringe at the ICA, Friday evenings at 19h30 from 1 February. I will be on the Lecture Stage with a multimedia arts quiz.

    Just The Gist: A Twitter (and Tumblr) Music Quiz

    2 June, 2011

    Just The Gist

    Inspired by my own article about Google-proofing the pub quiz, I am resurrecting Just The Gist.

    This was – and now is again – a music quiz where you guess the song title based on a precis of its narrative content. This is a “soft launch”. Later, there might be themes and prizes and that.

    Inevitably, it takes place on Twitter: @justthegist.

    Update 1 July: Answers, archives, video and extra at the Just The Gist tumblelog.