Posts Tagged ‘ayoungdoctorsnotebook’
A Young Doctor’s Notebook and Other Stories
18 November, 2013A Young Doctor’s Notebook DVD
7 January, 2013Good news for those who don’t own a squarial: A Young Doctor’s Notebook is available today on DVDÂ from BBC Worldwide and Big Talk.
A Young Doctor’s Notebook: How We Adapted Mikhail Bulgakov
5 December, 2012A piece for the Guardian about A Young Doctor’s Notebook: how we adapted the short stories for the screen and why Daniel Radcliffe and Jon Hamm are playing the same nameless doctor:
Our focus was the emotional core of the hospital tales: the hardening of the junior medic. In Bulgakov’s book, in interior monologue, the young doctor wonders how a more experienced practitioner might react, wishing he had the composure of his future self. But as the story Morphine warns us, that older self may not be wiser; he might, in fact, be a junkie. We wanted to incorporate that story: on screen, the older doctor (Hamm) is right there for the younger (Radcliffe) to talk to; but he turns out to be a damaged man: nostalgic, regretful, not above the occasional pratfall.

An extra treat in the past week has been seeing Hugh Aplin’s and Michael Glenny’s translations now sporting AS SEEN ON TV labels
- A Young Doctor’s Notebook, 9pm, Thursdays from 6 December; Sky Arts
- Daniel Radcliffe and Jon Hamm discuss the series
- Trailer
- NTV news package